SFAC Structure and Process
Since Fall Quarter 2019, the University of California, San Diego Student Fee Advisory Committee (UCSD SFAC) gathers each Friday from 3 pm to 4 pm for meetings that are open to the public. The committee’s charge is to act as the voice for students in determining the use of the Student Service Fee (SSF) on campus by garnering student input, needs, and priorities and negotiating it with committee members’ expertise.
Having moved away from an allocation model during the 2014–15 year, the committee now focuses on investigating particular SSF-funded units, based on student input, and provides recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Campus Life (VC-SACL) regarding the needs and operations of these units. It also produces an annual report on general student priorities and the state of SSF-funded units on campus. The committee also aims to spread awareness throughout campus of the SSF and its use.
- Ensure that the uses of the SSF are in the best interests of the university and its students and are in compliance with existing policies and guidelines.
- Advise SSF-funded units on ways programs might be improved to better serve students.
- Seek input from and provide information to the campus community, especially students, regarding student services and the committee’s work.
- Assess the contributions of student services to students' lives.
Structure & responsibilities
SFAC is a Regents-mandated committee. As such, the SFAC on every UC campus (including UC San Diego), must satisfy the following criteria:
- Advisory to Chancellor or designee
- Majority comprised of students
- Work to maintain a strong relationship with student governments
- Designate a representative to the Council on Student Fees
- Shall be provided appropriate staff support
- May be funded by SSF revenue
- Meet by the 4th week fall quarter, and no less than 3 times per quarter
- Shall have purview over fees as specified by bylaws
- Should opine on or offer / decline endorsement of campus-based fee referenda
- Should review student-fee-funded and non-student-fee-funded non-instructional / curricular student services within purview
Fall Quarter: The committee’s work begins after a fall retreat. The quarter is utilized for members to familiarize themselves with the history of SFAC and the different SSF-funded units. The committee also holds a campus-wide town hall and educational campaign in order to begin the process of garnering student input. By negotiating student input with its newfound expertise, the committee then selects which of the SSF-funded units (or any other related bodies) that it will investigate in-depth for the year and divides into dyads to facilitate the process.
Winter Quarter: The dyads spend this quarter meeting with their units and reporting back to the committee on their findings and progress. During this quarter, the VC-SACL informs the committee of the nature of the budget process and how the committee will best be able to transform its work into tangible results. The committee provides, to the best of its ability, input to satisfy the VC-SACL’s request for its budgetary process.
Spring Quarter: The dyads complete their work with the units and report back to the committee with their findings. The leadership team then compiles this information, as well as other concerns, comments, and issues that it has encountered over the course of the year and produces a final report, which is discussed and confirmed by the committee as a whole.
Breakdown of specific members & their appointments
All members are appointed for 1-year terms, renewable annually with the consent of SFAC and the appointing body.
Position | Participants | Status | Appointment |
Chair | 1 | Voting (in the case of ties) | The committee selects the chair by the end of Week 5, Spring Quarter of the previous year. |
Vice-Chair | 1 | Voting | The committee selects the vice-chair by the end of Week 5, Spring Quarter of the previous year. |
Undergraduate College Student Representative | 6 | Voting | Each undergraduate college student council appoints a representative by the end of Week 8, Spring Quarter of the previous year, who is then confirmed by the SFAC leadership team. |
Associated Students Student Representative | 1 | Voting | The Associated Students appoints a representative by the end of Week 8, Spring Quarter of the previous year, who is then confirmed by the SFAC leadership team. |
Graduate Student Association Representative | 2 | Voting | GSA appoints two representatives by the end of Week 8, Spring Quarter of the previous year, who is then confirmed by the SFAC leadership team. |
Undergraduate College Provost | 1 | Voting | The Council of Provosts appoints one Provost before the start of the Fall Quarter. |
Graduate Division Student Representative | 1 | Voting | The Dean of the Graduate Division appoints one representative before the start of the Fall Quarter. |
Vice Chancellor Student Affairs and Campus Life Representative | 1 | Voting | The VC-SACL shall appoint a staff member before the start of the Fall Quarter. |
Faculty Representative | 1 | Voting | Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate, the VC-SACL shall appoint a faculty representative before the start of the Fall Quarter. |
Vice Chancellor-Resource Management and Planning Representative | 1 | Voting | Chancellor or designee appoints a member from the Vice Chancellor-Resource Management and Planning budget office. |
Budget consultant from the Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs and Campus Life staff | 1 | Non-voting | Selected by the VC-SACL to serve as a consultant to the committee. |
Executive Secretary for Associate Vice Chancellor for Resource Administration | 1 | Non-voting | Selected by the VC-SACL to serve as the Executive Secretary for the committee. |
Undergraduate College Shadows | Determined by their respective councils | Non-voting | Shadows are appointed as necessary, but no later than Week 8 of Fall Quarter, to learn the process of the committee and to gain more knowledge about the history of SFAC. |