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Student Well-Being Resources


The Hub Basic Needs Center

The Hub provides referrals to on- and off-campus resources in order to increase accessibility to basic needs such as food, housing, and financial stability.



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Willo: Student Well-Being App

Made by students for students, Willo is the go-to for self-care and health app.

Download Willo

Case Management Services (SACM)

SACM is a non-clinical resource that creates a culture of care via inclusive, comprehensive support services that empower UC San Diego students to address all aspects of their health and well-being.

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Tritons Belong

The "Tritons Belong" initiative engages the UC San Diego community in conversation, dialogue, compassion, and connectedness during challenging times.

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Family Friendly Study Room

The Family Friendly Study Space in Price Center is now available! You can find this space on the first floor right next to Curry Up. To access this room, please fill out the form below, and you will receive a keycode once your form has been processed. Reservations are not required.

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Mental Health Resources

Counseling and Psychological Services' (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services' (CAPS) integrative and student-centered services support students towards their academic success and personal development and well-being.

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Online Peer Support

Access Triton2Triton and Togetherall: free, anonymous online mental health support communities where you can connect with someone who understands what you're going through, anytime and anywhere.

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Triton CORE

Triton CORE is UC San Diego’s crisis response team of mental health professionals that provides compassionate mobile crisis response, mental health wellness checks, and telehealth assessment for students facing mental health challenges, substance use related crises, and other forms of distress.

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Promoting Well-being


UC San Diego Recreation inspires all Tritons to lead an active life by offering activities and resources that embrace fun, manage stress, develop resilience, seek adventure, and build community in support of lifelong wellbeing, growth, and success. Recreation and inspire all Tritons to lead an active life.

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The Zone

The Zone is a lounge for student well-being designed to promote healthy, balanced living. In support of the eight holistic dimensions of well-being, it offers programs such as stress management workshops, cooking demonstrations, and crafting projects.

Relax with the Zone

Student Health Services

Student Health Services provides quality primary medical care, including urgent care and support services such as laboratory, pharmacy, and x-ray.

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Prayer, Meditation and Quiet Spaces on Campus

There are various places to pray, meditate, or sit in quiet reflection on campus.

Find Peaceful Locations

Student Well-Being Resource Guide

In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.

More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.