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Student Affairs and Campus Life Departments and Units


We are student centered.

Student Affairs and Campus Life employs more than 375 professional staff and 2,400 student employees who provide a multitude of services, resources, and opportunities that enrich the lives of UC San Diego students.

Many Student Affairs and Campus Life employees are organized into units, complemented by the Student Affairs staff at UC San Diego's eight Undergraduate Colleges and the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs.

For more details, please see the Student Affairs and Campus Life Organization Chart (PDF).

Learn more about the Vice Chancellor – Student Affairs and Campus Life Office, Student Affairs and Campus Life units, and Student Affairs and Campus Life's close campus partners:

Student Affairs and Campus Life Units

Case Management Services

Student Affairs Case Management Services is committed to creating a culture of care by providing non-clinical case management support to undergraduate and graduate students.

The Case Management team is also available to consult with faculty and staff on ways to support students in distress.

Global Initiatives

Global Initiatives – led by Assistant Vice Chancellor Tamara T. Cunningham – supports UC San Diego's mission of providing transformative experiences in a globally connected world by bridging educational opportunities with the vast global research network of our campus.

Global Initiatives units include:

Assessment, Evaluation, and Organizational Development

Assessment, Evaluation, and Organizational Development (AEOD) leads strategic initiatives, assessment, and evaluation using a framework that focuses on innovative, student-centered, and equity-minded planning, decision-making, and advocacy.

Resource Management

The Student Affairs and Campus Life Resource Management office – led by Assistant Vice Chancellor John D. Hughes – provides oversight of financial, capital, and human resources for Student Affairs and Campus Life by coordinating with department business officers, HR contacts, and campus partners to establish standards for appropriate and effective delivery of financial and human resource services in support of university, divisional, and department goals.

Resource Management units include:

Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education

The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education (SAGE) provides leadership for the student conduct process through its central coordinating, training, and advising role.

Our office receives and processes student conduct complaints while offering consulting and advising to faculty and staff regarding potential (and/or actual) student conduct cases and incidents. We meet with students to resolve student conduct incidents and answer their questions about the student conduct process. Additionally, we train and educate staff, faculty, and students about the student conduct process and student rights and responsibilities.

Student Life

Along with student programs originating in the Colleges and in cooperation with Associated Students (AS) and the Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA), the Student Life team – led by Assistant Vice Chancellor Dr. Patricia A. Mahaffey – is responsible for the scope and quality of students’ cultural, social, and civic life at UC San Diego.

Student Life units include:

Student Retention & Success

Student Retention & Success (SRS) plays a leadership role in creating programs and services that foster student success and degree completion. SRS is currently led by Assistant Vice Chancellor - Dr. Maruth Figueroa. The educational opportunities fostered by the SRS team develop the personal, academic, and professional competencies that are critical for successful transition into diverse and global communities.

Student Retention & Success units include:

Craft Center

The UC San Diego Craft Center offers art classes for everyone.

Stuart Collection

The Stuart Collection at the University of California, San Diego comprises 22 permanent artworks by world-renowned artists. It is unique among university art collections in the United States, given its scope and approach to commissioning artists to create new, permanent artworks for the campus. It was made possible through an innovative partnership between the UC San Diego and the Stuart Collection Foundation. The University has supported the Stuart Collection since its inception in 1981, from hiring staff to managing the commissions to maintaining the artworks and contributing to commission fundraising.

Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Led by Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (AVC-SA) Dr. Piya Bose, the office of the AVC-SA directly supervises a number of units and initiatives throughout Student Affairs, including:

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life

The office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life provides policy and management direction for Student Affairs and Campus Life and also directly supervises a number of units and AVC areas, including:

Our Close Campus Partners

Student Health & Well-Being

Student Health & Well-Being provides a range of services that maintain and enhance the physical and emotional health, well-being, and safety of UC San Diego students.

Although Student Health departments are officially part of the UC San Diego Health System, they maintain a strong collaborative relationship and partnership with Student Affairs and Campus Life.

Units include:

UC San Diego Athletics

UC San Diego sponsors 23 intercollegiate sport programs that currently compete in the Big West Conference, Mountain Pacific Sports Federation, Western Water Polo Association, and Western Intercollegiate Rowing Association.

All Triton athletic teams compete at the NCAA Division I level, with the exception of the men's volleyball, men's and women's water polo, and men's and women's fencing programs, which compete at the NCAA "National Collegiate" level.

Visit UC San Diego Athletics to learn more. Go Tritons!

College Deans of Student Affairs

The College Deans of Student Affairs at UC San Diego's eight colleges oversee the administration of student life and student development – including New Student Orientation – within the colleges.

General inquiries may be directed to the college-based Student Affairs offices at:

Revelle College
John Muir College
Thurgood Marshall College
Earl Warren College
Eleanor Roosevelt College
Sixth College
Seventh College
Eighth College

Educational Innovation

UC San Diego's Educational Innovation initiative was launched in order to: catalyze the development of academic offerings that enhance the experience and outcomes of students; strengthen UC San Diego’s reputation in research and education; and grow institutional revenues to sustain investments in the education and research enterprise.

Enrollment Management

Enrollment Management works collectively and collaboratively to prepare, recruit, enroll, and provide financial aid services to students so that they may access and realize their educational goals.

Enrollment Management comprises the Office of Admissions, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, Office of the Registrar, and the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP).

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strives to create a campus climate of respect, fairness and cooperation, promoting innovation and leadership in alignment with UC San Diego’s Principles of Community.

Through partnership and collaboration, EDI – which includes the Campus Community Centers and the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion – leads the university’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Extended Studies

UC San Diego’s Division of Extended Studies harnesses the power of education to transform lives via unique educational formats.

Their mission is to serve the critical lifelong learning and skill development needs of individuals, organizations and the community – by way of continuing education, certificate and degree-related programs; community initiatives that support economic and social development; and a wide array of public-service lectures, forums and special events delivered both on and off campus.

Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs

The Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) upholds the ideals of being a student-centered, research-focused, service-oriented public university and aims to be the main resource for all matters related to graduate education and postdoctoral affairs.

Housing, Dining, and Hospitality

Student Affairs and Campus Life’s partners in Housing, Dining, & Hospitality (HDH) provide administrative housing operations, campus dining services, and residential facility management services for UC San Diego students who live on campus.

Research and Innovation

The office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation supports, facilitates, and promotes world-class research at UC San Diego by:

  • Optimizing services to compete for and win grants
  • Supporting the next generation of researchers in our classrooms and labs
  • Speeding our discoveries to the marketplace
  • Building research collaborations and partnerships with industry and other institutions
  • Continuous improvement of administrative and regulatory systems, and processes to manage risk

Student Leadership

In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.

More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.