
Assessment/Data Request Form
If you would like assistance with any assessment related tasks, please fill out the following form.
UC San Diego Data Sources
UCUES Longitudinal Dashboard
UC San Diego specific results for the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES)
Third Week Enrollment Dashboard
Official enrollment counts for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students
Diversity Dashboards and Reports
Accountability data for students, faculty, and staff and reports focused on studies of inclusivity from the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
Undergraduate Dashboards
Statistics on undergraduate outcomes such as retention, graduation, and time to degree
Graduate Dashboards
Statistics on graduate enrollment and outcomes such as retention, graduation, and time to degree
Selected University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Data Sources
UCOP Infocenter
A suite of dashboards and reports on topics such as basic needs, student enrollment, and employment outcomes
Fall Enrollment at a Glance
Over 20 years of detailed information on systemwide fall enrollment data (part of the Infocenter suite)
Disaggregated Data
Over 20 years of admissions, enrollment, and graduation data disaggregated by race/ethnicity (part of the Infocenter suite)
Resources for UC San Diego Campus Data Usage
Office of Information Assurance
Guidelines and resources from the Chief Information Security Officer
Student Affairs and Campus Life Impact Report
The annual Impact Report is a collection of submissions, accolades, achievements and recognitions that highlight the work of UC San Diego's Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life.
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.