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Los Angeles (LA) Fire-Related Resources

Moderate to strong winds are expected in the San Diego region through Friday, January 10, creating potentially dangerous conditions.

The university is monitoring the winds and wildfires in Southern California, and taking necessary precautions to ensure our community’s safety – we ask that you do the same.

Resources for Students 

There are a number of resources and services that are available to UC San Diego students who are impacted by severe weather due to loss of electricity, a need to evacuate, or other disaster-related financial hardships.

Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional Student Affairs Offices

The Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional Deans of Student Affairs are available to support students who experience challenges that impact their well-being and academic success, including:

  • Providing immediate connection to support services, including activation of the Temporary Housing Protocol and/or Emergency Meal Assistance Program;
  • Connecting students requiring formal accommodations to the Office for Students with Disabilities;
  • Outreaching to faculty for students who need short-term flexibility for serious disruptions to their academics;
  • Referring students to Student Affairs Case Management Services and coordinating on-going support with their assigned case manager.

Undergraduate Colleges

Revelle College – Sherry Mallory,
John Muir College – Jason Thibodeaux,
Thurgood Marshall College – Amber Vlasnik,
Earl Warren College – James C. Smith,
Eleanor Roosevelt College – Mario Garibay,
Sixth College – Diane LeGree,
Seventh College – Josh Brimmeier,
Eighth College – Sarah Gallenberg,

Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA)

Interim Assistant Dean of Student Affairs – Andrew Hua, 

School of Medicine

Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs - Kama Guluma,

Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Associate Dean for Student Affairs - Candis Morello,

Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science

Dean of Student Affairs - Robert Kaplan,

​Student Affairs Case Management Services

Student Affairs Case Management Services (SACM) provides inclusive, comprehensive support services and connection to appropriate resources and accommodations.

The Hub Basic Needs Center

The Hub Basic Needs Center can help coordinate access to temporary housing, emergency funding, laptop-lending programs, emergency meal assistance, and additional resource referrals for registered students who complete an Assistance Form.

Los Angeles (LA) Community Resources

The Hub Basic Needs Center also compiled a list of Los Angeles resources for those directly impacted by the fires – including housing, food, animal shelters, and transportation in the LA region.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Students may access Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) by calling 858-534-3755 or visiting

Student Legal Services

Student Legal Services is available to registered students and student organizations, providing free, confidential counseling, education programs, workshops and referrals to private attorneys.

Please stay safe, Tritons, and do not hesitate to reach out to for any additional questions or concerns that you may have.

Student Military/Veteran Resources

Active/reserve military and/or veteran students may contact the Student Veterans Resources Center for assistance. Any National Guard members deployed by the governor may be eligible for Military Leave, and the Student Veterans Resource Center can assist with the appropriate procedures.